Friday, July 15, 2011

Ahhh! The Baleares Islands - a Spanish Paradise

We found a very pretty anchorage with very little development - our preference. Unfortunately there is a reason! The anchorage was rougfh and we rocked all night until we decided to pull anchor (at 3AM) and head for the next island - Mallorca. We love sailing.

We sailed along the northwest coast - beautiful scenery.

And we're off to Ibiza, the next island in the chain.

Katie was not impressed.

Here is the snubber line, topside properly tied off. When we got up the next morning, we noticed there were boats anchored much closer to us than the night before. Where did they come from? When we went to pull the anchor up, the snubber line was gone! Obviously stolen! Then I realized (cause I'm wicked smaht) the anchor chain was way-way out, ergo closer to the other boats! When we pulled the chain in, lo and behold, there was the snubber line sitting on the bottom of the harbor - close to the anchor. Somebody didn't do a very good job of tying off the line. If I ever find that guy ....

OK, here's a "dumbass story" for you. This is the anchor chain and a line attached to it called a snubber line. The rope line keeps pressure off the chain and the windlass - the electrical crank that pulls the anchor up.

Here's the hole we had to drop into to get into the cave.

Look at this little dumpling matching Jenée's pose! The cool thing is that this is actually a cave that we climbed down into. It's the southern most point of the Baleares Islands, looking into the Med.

But I might be. (blog readers now reaching for a bag).

Sorry folks, Jenée is not totally into the Spanish gig.

Oh, I forgot to mention, nudity on Spanish beaches is no problem. This may be Hector "Macho" Camacho - just a guess. Did I mention I'm thinking of trimming my toenails with a rock? I'll let you know how it goes. Looking at that dude, I'm guessing the water is chilly.

Cool little beach - just a few rocks to navigate.

OK, I'm over it. We rented a motor scooter and rode around the island. We ended up on this little beach on the southeast side- called Mitjorn.

We anchored in Formentera and dinghied into this beach. I had to walk the dinghy in the last 200 yards. Jenée has been on strike since she towed the boat in the Bahamas! This blog sucks!

Dead calm anyone? This is what it looks like. We're in the midst of a 3 day sail from Morocco to the Spanish Baleares Islands: Formentera, Ibiza, Mallorca and Menorca.

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