Friday, June 10, 2011

More from from Angra and Porto Delgada

Wonderful little towns - we're off for now. Ciao.

More island beauty - this time on the beach, although not quite beach weather.

More volcano lakes.

The little towns might not have much, but they all have a nice church. My buddy Luca timed this half head shot perfectly. Funny Italians! Buena sera!

Unfortunately the weather didn't always cooperate as we toured around Sao Miguel, the Azoran capitol. The beauty is unmistakable.

Here's a local specialty - grilled squid. Excellent.

Who's hungry? This hot dog was a local specialty and it looked a little better than it tasted. Then again, maybe not.

Beauty everywhere.

We took a tour the next day and visited the "Furnace" where the volcano continues to out gas. That's our driver behind me. When I said "Hey, nice furnace", he wouldn't stop laughing. I'm telling you, I slay 'em in multiple countries.

Where was Jimbo the matador? Behind a retaining wall making sure the womens were safe. This fella got close and dropped a duece on us - it was bullshit. I'm killing me again, how do I do it?!

One of the features in the Azores is the "running with the bulls" events held by the various towns. Basically the locals stroll around acting cool until the bull gets close and than it's hilarious to watch their faces as they scramble for safety. A few guys do it with style, but there are tons of wan-a-bees
that you'd pay money to see flattened ... like this dork.

More beautiful countryside.

Here is a beautiful park in Angra.

Time to catch up on Azorian history? Nope, this fellow has the same name as Jenée's son, Garrett. He's an important guy in their history.

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