Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Splash Down!

One last shot across the bow before e drop Jungle in the briny - pretty girl.

And here is Jungle with her beautiful newly painted bottom getting ready to be launched. the upcoming shots are of Jungle in in the cradle. I'll provide videos of her going in the water later.

The total experience lasted about 30 seconds and now the crowd takes the 4-5 hour drive home. That's dedication!

Jungle is still on land where Jenée and I perched ourselves on the pilothouse roof to catch the launch. 200,000-300,000 people came to watch the launch at Cape Canaveral - 10 miles away. They take all day to arrive for the 4:50PM EST launch. The marina let the yard staff off early, otherwise it would take hours to cover a 15 minute ride home.

Yes we are! We arrive back at the Westland Marina in Titusville, FL just in time for the space shuttle launch.

Katie's asking "Are we there yet?"


Snack said...

A Shuttle launch - definitely on my Bucket List...

It's really tough being you, Jimmy!

glennlarkin said...

Glad you made it safe. Now, back on track for your sail. Enjoy. Looking forward to following your voyage.