Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sailing to Zihuatanejo, amigo.

OK, and we are back. Had a technical hang up on loading photos. Problem resolved. When we last departed, Simon swam a mile to a nearby island to check out the local shark population. This is one of the worlds largest populations of Hammerhead sharks - of course they sometimes eat people. These are white tipped reef sharks. Simon tells me these are much more docile and that I should swim over and check them out. I don't know, I'm good with the photos, how about you?

Good to see our boy swimming back to the boat in one piece. He was gone for 2 hours. Was I worried? Hey, I'm not his Mom (although she sounds like a cool lady). I did make Simon wipe his feet and sit up straight for dinner.

Hey, look at all the local protected fish swimming next to the boat. It's like someone accidentally dropped tortilla chips over the side or something. I'll look into it.

We are underway after a rocking overnight at the Isla del Coco anchorage. We get a show from leaping dolphins. Love these guys.

Simon rushes up front with his underwater camera (GoPro) rigged up on my boat pole.

And presto, we have dolphins under water.

And we are back to a fish on the line - a big fish.

But not this big. I got lucky catching this whale as it surfaced on one side, then again on the other. The impressive thing is clearly hearing the blow hole on this beautiful animal. He was checking us out for sure and very close to the size of Jungle (52 feet).

Back to fishing and Simon is now on his 70th minute attempting to bring a big fish in.

Success! A 70 lb yellow tail tuna. Trust me, with my beautiful bride coming down, none of this will go to waste.

Oh yeah, our boy is feeling it! And why not.

For part of t.he 7 day trip to Zihuatanejo we sailed at 7-8 knots. This was not one of those days. It was the proverbial mill pond. Beautiful.

We made it to Bahia Zihuatanejo. I can't wait to see Jenée.

1 comment:

glennlarkin said...

Welcome back. Say hi to Jenee. Enjoy the yellow tail tuna.