Friday, September 16, 2011

Efharisto Nisos Symi

Poor Jenée doesn't have a cool T-shirt to show off. Oh well. We are on our way back for a 2 day sail to Cyprus. As I write this, we are in a cafe in Larnaca, Cyprus. We'll have more from here in a bit. Yassou.

Not only am I striking a cool pose. This is a tribute to my buddy Chuck Haddad and his restaurant in Brant Rock, MA - Haddad's Ocean Cafe. Best seafood anywhere! Hi Chuck and Cap'n Eddie B.

Jenée decided to hike up the hillside the next morning and took this shot of Symi. I, um, was busy working ... yeah working on the boat. I wasn't sleeping.

Symi was pretty happening at night. Unfortunately Jenée and I were not. Good night! (Kali Nihta)

Symi at night. That white stripe up the hill is a lit stairway that goes to the top and over to the next town of Pethi (Pete-hee).

Another view of Symi harbor.

Time for a spot of lunch.

Look how clean the water is in the harbor! The water people!

The trick to Med Mooring" is the need to drop the anchor well out into the middle of the harbor, then back the boat up to the wall. Piece of cake! Quite a challenge for Jungle's crew of two.

Jungle at rest. Now this is what I call getting immersed into the town life. Our spot was dead center.

Jungle pulls into the main village and harbor of Symi. We are about 8 miles from the Turkey coast - next to the island of Rhodes.

Here's a night time shot of Katie the wonder kitty.

Jenée took to this place like a fish to water! Speaking of which - it has been crystal clear water throughout the Mediterranean.

We made an early morning arrival into the Greek Island of Nisos Symi. We found this pretty little anchorage of Ay Marina.

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