Monday, August 30, 2010

Hanging with friends

Back at the Ledges, we're joined by Bruce Campagna and Sandra, who biked down from Laconia, NH to say hi. As you can see, Bruce has perfect hair - I never liked that guy. Oh I love kidding around - I just can't get enough of me. Great to see everyone.

Here we are chicks and guys - Lenny, Lori and Jenée; Denny, Rick and Jimbo. I'm recapping my treatment and prognosis for the gang while they hang on every word. Gosh, it's great to be with close friends.

Here's Rick and I at his favorite breakfast spot - Pat's. Great breakfast place in Salisbury. Rick is quite cuddly and has very soft hands for a man, but I digress.

We arrived The Ledges to a great welcoming committee. The cottage is on the water and the area about a mile offshore is a popular fishing spot called "The Ledges". Amazing! The state of Massachusetts named this area after Rick and Lenny's cottage!

I'm sitting at our marina contemplating the tide when one of my ole pals, Ricky Bourne calls and asks Jenée and I up to his summer cottage in Salisbury, MA. Our other west coast pals, Denny and Lori Puddester are coming out to join up with Rick and Lenny at their cottage named - The Ledges. I figured if they're naming their cottage, we gotta go! I always visit named cottages.

1 comment:

Snack said...

You look pretty good! I like your ideas about recovery - positive attitude (plus or minus alcohol) is everything!