Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Beautiful Horta, Azores

Our happy photographer after a successful shoot - now on to Rick's beer ... otherwise known as the Bourne Ultimatum.

Here we are over the remnants of the volcano that makes up Horta. As mentioned all the Azore islands are of a volcanic heritage.

These pictures are from the eye of Jenee - great job. Did you know she took photography at Fountain Valley High (CA). Well, there you go.

Crewmember Rick Bourne is digging on the sights and of course, looking for his next brew pub. Wait, I think I see ... oh, false alarm.

That is the island of Pico and the mountain of the same name. It is the highest point in the Azores at over 7000 feet.

The Jungle crew took a tour around Horta to take in the natural beauty - indeed!

1 comment:

glennlarkin said...

Wow, great pics. Hope the 14 days at sea were as fun as described. Hopefuly, when you make it back to SoCal, we can hear about the trip in person.
Enjoy Europe and safe sailing.